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Hi All & I hope you are all having a lovely day whatever you are doing..... I have just watched 'Santa Claus the Movie' with Dudley Moore in...but I have seen this a few times but love it, however...
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Will there be Sunday papers on Boxing Day ? Half the people I've asked say "no" and the other half say "yes"
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Does anyone have any thoughts on Tommy Sheridan being found guilty of perjury at Glasgow high court today ? Does anyone really care ?
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I thought I would put this one out here as I want other opinions. I was wrapping a large present on the floor the other night and the cat was trying to get in on the action with the paper I was using....
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http://www.dailymail....r-Prince-Charles.html So what's the best way to fund the royal family - civil list or crown estate profits? Or is there a better way of funding the royal households - like...
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anotheoldgit Having read a Daily Mail link supplied by another ABer , I did a Google search to try and get another National Newspaper's report on it, but surprise, surprise I could not...
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Why should Pakistan persecute this ex 14 year old boy?
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Two fine journalists who will be missed.
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you cant help imagining the likes of = waterboatman-fisherman buenchico-lawyer yogi-musician dotty-insurance ttfn-carer factor 30-farmer(he he) so please set me right??????...
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In 2003 Mohammed Ibrahim, an asylum-seeking Iraqi Kurd living in the UK ran over and killed 12-year-old Amy Houston while he was banned from driving. He received "British Justice" of 4...
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Why was my post removed from R1Geezers Homophobic thread. Your no better than the sensitive PC brigade & even worse than the thought Police. So come on lad explain yourself. if you can...
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R1Geezer Oh no it isn't! perlease! Are MP's now supposed to recognised a Bandit on sight and hence modify their rhetoric? Suppose it could have been...
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Or is there a load of sh*te on tv tonight?
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I love Home Alone, The Gremlins and Scrooged. Not forgetting A Christmas Carol and It's a Wonderful life and probably a load more.
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POP music. I'm going for Annie Lennox....
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All you knockers, who said she couldn't sing a note, yada yada yada... http://www.dailymail....Carrs-Chatty-Man.html (scroll down for videos) And ok, the songs are a bit rubbish, and some of the notes...
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Hope someone can help! My husband works 5 days a week - his 2 days off can fall on any day - the rota changes from week to week. The place he works still requires people to go in on Christmas Day,...
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Advertising the new Martina Cole book in newspapers and on the actual bookshelves - do they have any? NO! took me almost an hour to drive from one side of York to t'other to discover this. Aaaaaaargh!
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// Labour has called on Mr Cable to step aside immediately from any decision to do with BskyB. Shadow Business Secretary John Denham told the BBC it was "difficult" to see how Mr Cameron and...

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