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..."Ben? Gay? He can't be gay - he's a Mitchell in e?" Can you remember any other classic hilarious quotes?
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Its on now only seen clips of this programme is it a drama comedy or what,do any other abers watch this?
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does anyone know the name of the song played at the end of mondays show
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Does anyone happen to know the music used in the Sky Supertelly ads running through march? Cheers...
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What is the name of that piece of music music that has been funked know the plastic bag blowing in the wind scene?
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I don't know much about them but I love 'Tinseltown' any fans can spread light on them please?
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vernon kay;the only bloke stupid eneugh to ruin his marriage by asking a page three girl for a photo of her diddies
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Will Eminem ever tour the UK in 2010 or 2011? or just a european tour either? :)
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I have probably spelled it wrong, but my sister suffers from coeliacs disease and has always had bouts of chronic tummy pain. She buys all the gluten free food and is really careful about what she...
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hi everyone i'm trying to find a song that the beautiful south sung sorry idon't know the title or album but it was about a man who fell in love with a woman she went off had loads of kids with...
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On my I Tunes I've deleted my "Recently Added" folder on my playlists. how do I get it back?
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Hi i currently have a sony blu-ray player and was looking for a separate surround sound system to connect to it but can only find sites that offer all in one sytems that mean purchasing a new blu-ray...
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moter goose
What was the name of the hotel in the series?
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A man is waiting for his wife to give birth. The doctor comes in and informs the dad that his son was born without torso, arms or legs. The son is just a head! But the dad loves his son and raises him...
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I recently had my pc stolen along with all my music. However, i do still have an ipod with all my music stored on it. I have tried to plug in my ipod to my new laptop, but it says that it's not...
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desperately looking for a dvd or video of the film 'THE LIFE AND TIMES OF JUDGE ROY BEAN'.looked on amazon but they want 35 quid for dvd and vhs are all second hand. can anyone advise of another...
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I am an avid user of Photoshop and I'm always using it to retouch images. I find that the history brush tool is particularly useful when reverting back to an original part of an image, BUT my history...
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Hi, since installing Snow Leopard my Photoshop and Illustrator created eps files no longer show the correct icons and all eps files when double clicked just open in Photoshop. I have had this problem...
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does anyone know where you can buy those money boxes like in the arcades at blackpool where you put 2p etc in and it gradually goes down in different directions?and like ledges the money bounces off...

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