Can you help with these, please? 12 N is M 2 B to the B 1091 in a S O 92 N E in the P T 7 F a S N T B T 10 C in a R L 1 H on a V 1 S F and a T S B 10 M in a N 1 M is S D D
10a The first idiot sounded familiar (2,4) ?U ?A?T 21a Two generations of ladies celebrated on Sunday, tomorrow (6) M???N? 5d Spies on army doctor with special forces getting drinks (7) M?M?S?S (I...
Can you help with clues for the last 2 questions (1 per quiz) Forget the diet - anagram of child's rhyme containng food 9 A teacake Kappa Cat Draycott & Long Eaton table tennis quiz cryptic sweets 34...
15 d clue. artist with pursed lips 8 letters w?a?t?e? 17 d clue. loudly pinch a japanese index 6 letters n???e? 19 a clue. mikados son and older relative to sleep beside ducks ?a??? p?o 5 and 3
I have completed all the clues and I am now attempting the transformation of the six letter word in the centre of the crossword. Assuming the final versions of all words are real, this is what I have...
31 a) Where Albert Reynolds initially stood for election offshore. (5 letters) -rda- 32a) Handy IT component giving nothing away by way of inspiration (4 letters) -y-e Thanks in advance folks.
Last two 2d Energy finally spent, Dutch painter is in a very bad way (6) I have V??EL? The E could possibly be wrong, but I don't think so 10ac Department's leader lacking in self confidence (4) I...