I should be well into Mephisto by this time so can someone please help me finish this brute
7d Done in by the setter (7) d?g-?i?e?
20d Hard to find piano key (6) ?t?p?e...
Normally pretty straightforward but got me stumped this morning. Answer to 1a will help. Theatre, with openings re-allocated, spoils engagements (10)
Can someone who has finished this give me a leg up. I have completed all the clued lights but can't figure out the instructions on the unclued lights. Any guidance would be appreciated.
Stuck on two - 3d Handle entertaining date with level of proficiency in ballroom activity (10, two words) ??u?d??nc? and 4d Money accepted for sheath (6) ???r??. Your help appreciated.
I'm having a hard time getting going on this one. Answers to 1d and 4a would be a big help. 1d Spanish man cutting very large West African trees (6)?????s and 4a Acid solution infects Indian antelope...
Game with two hammers felt frantic (5,3,4,2,4) ?h?t? the ?i?e ?r ?o?f
Assuming ?r is 'or' there seem to be too many o's for an anagram. Help appreciated....
Help me to finish please! Thanks 30a Go red over Kenya tour with TV's Rene (6,4) ?O?D?N ?A?E 53a merry as a drunken TV survivor (3,5) R?? ?E?R? 43s Once Nora had Ford going over your old workers (5,5)...
This has been a tough week what with Thursday's Specie! Please finish me off with answers to 12d Perhaps bowler's fixture is fine, when pressure drops, for instance (6) ?at?e? 21a He died overturning...
Having trouble getting going on this one this week. The answers to the top two clues would help 1a. Caught by jaw game must be putback in here to stay fresh (7, two words) ???l??g 6a Berlusconi's fan...
Can someone explain what appear to be the only possible answers to these clues. 20a Uncle from the country?(8) ?u?g?r?a - Bulgaria 23d Burning, mostly behind leg (5) a?s?n - arson 26a Fly back with...