Hi all
The double Christmas special is with us.
Looks good fun and should keep us entertained for a while.
Don't rush it as there won't be one next week.
Can anyone tell me the name of the actor playing the part of the magazine editor Edith contacts to have her column published. He flirts with Edith but gets rebuked when she discovers he is married....
For anyone who has done this crossword. What does it mean in the instructions by 'the other unclued entries' . I have answered all the given clues but would appreciate a hint as how to proceed.
2dn- Awful noise grows , not having united members
of flock (8) di??o???
28ac- Upset how big-headed someone is? (7) ??????e
13ac- Goat starts to gnaw at one fish (8) ?a??ye??...
One has to admit former match revolting (7)
And.. can any Azeder please confirm that 7D is Garter.
Soak newspaper up in a flash ?(6)
ret (soak) rag (newspaper ) reversed....
Clue 16. Fabrication of skins (not fashionable)clothing leaders in Africa regal ones?(6) ?iross
I can't figure out where I have gone wrong in this very tricky xword. Please help....
Many times I have entered an answer to a post which is not showing any answers only to find that when I submit my answer there are already one or more answers previously submitted. How can I avoid...
Rufus has not eating for 2 meals, he is still drinking and I offered him a sausage and he will eat that but not his normal food. How long do I leave it before taking him down the vets? Do I try him on...
Good morning! Seeking help for the following, please: ACROSS: 12 skilling worker put sign outside( 6, hyphened): ???N?? 16 Noble cut out mink(5): ??S?? 32 Prisoner having to give up grant(7): ????E??...
Can someone tell me what a beetle is in this context and how you 'put it in'!
I have filled the grid other than unclued 17d s?o?ser. Please help me finish this one. Thx...