i want to get fingerprint bruises tattooed on the side of my neck to go with my bite mark, but i can't find an image anywhere. does anyone know where i can get an image to show my tattooist? it...
For the past couple of months I've been dead excited about Valentine's day because for the first time I'm years I actually have a boyfriend. But over the past couple of days it's sunk in that I'm not...
i'm starting a degree in American studies next year and everyone keeps asking me what I plan to do with that. The truth is, I have absolutely no idea what I want to do with my life. I just watched an...
My boyfriend and I are having a valentines dinner party with my best friend and her fella. We're all really good friends so this isn't a problem. But my friend has got her boyfriend a really nice...
my cat has fleas. has had them for ages. i've tried every available product, been to two different vets who both gave me frontline i think, but it hasn't done anything at all. the little sods are like...
i have a gateway laptop recently purchased from tesco and even at full volume it's not very loud. on quiet movies you can barely hear it. does anyone know any nice tricks to increase the volume?
I use DVD Shrink to copy dvds - let's ignore the legality of this for a moment - and occasionally it says burn process failed. It tells me that the encoded files have been saved to a temporary folder...