Jo Cox murder had an inquest. Clearly a partisan decision. ... national defence or foriegn terrorists? Easy choice for most of us, not it seems for a lot of Labour MPs. It's... ... "befriending services"? - Perlease make it across the channel and we'll take you to the... ...
this is just one man, how many more like him are here, and will he be deported? doubt it, terror atrocities almost inevitable, so many have arrived who we know nothing about, there... ... When will someone see that we have to repel this invasion? ... But why does it take a world wide shift to trim the welfare budget. If it's always been possible were we being overcharged? ...
Already we are seeing Ms Raynors planned changes to the definition of Islamaphobia which has the potential of stifling ay debate on this subject now we see MPs' wanting to make possessing photos... ...
I turned the telly on to watch the 2pm news. On three news channels there is a camera trained on the door to Lancaster House and we’re treated to a procession of people arriving there. Each of... ...
If you can forget Trump for 2 minutes, please tell me what you think of the European stance. Other than a few tweets and promises of sanctions, what actions are the leaders of Europe... ...