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1. horrible tackle by sovereign (6-4) 2. in the navy (12) 3. team jumpers (7) 4. southwest owner of legendary drumsticks (5) 5. cost of tractor ride (9) 6.converse (5)...
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Help, please 15a Its what is expected by a girl ??R?A 23a Go through new recipe ?I?U?E Thanks for any advice...
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I'm stuck on no. 33, can any one help please; 33. 2001 cyclone (7), it must rhyme with cocktail. Many thanks...
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one of the 60 extinct volcanoes in europe is called 3 2 4 this may be also a region in europe 3 2 4 I know this question is a bit vague perhaps somebody out there may have the answer many thanks...
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Stuck on last one, can anybody help? 21a: Popular cleaner source of information for Chinese (7,5)...
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Sorry, forgot no of letters.....I'm looking for the name of a baddie/villain in literature. The clue, purely cryptic, is.. Ship put about - odd (7) Any ideas? Many thanks
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Which long-running literary creation was devised by the wife of sub-editor on the Daily Express Any help would be much appreciated Nicky...
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18. Do keep social arrangements with mirrors (12) 44. Topless twine has a portion - game needs a steady hand! (9)...
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1953 - M E C 1954 - B B 4 M M 1963 - T P A 1986 - E of the S S 1987 - S of the H of F E 1987 - B M 1988 - L B 1989 - T S M 1990 - R of N M...
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Hello All Here's the deal. The answers to the quiz take you around the world. I have three left that I can't fathom: This one is somewhere around Nice/Monaco the clue: A long beer is drunk here (8)...
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96d) Of gold (5) aur?c
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How many zeros are there in the numbers between 1 and 1000? Thanks...
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23down publicise excessively ?y?e
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Help please! £25.00 an answer crossword - 8 down, 7 letters, "puncture" B?E???T.
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environment 7 hardychef 6 4 image makers 7...
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63d) Tedious book passage (8) lo?g?e?? 100a) Right handed person (7) ?e?t?a? 124d) Drowsy (9) s?p?????? 125d) Portrayal (9) r?n?????? 257a) Bon vivant (7) ?p???re 103d) Change causing agent (8)...
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Cryptic clue for the name of a chocolate or sweets, also stuck on Make non metric coins, Ambassador and explorer, It's sure to happen (as they say in Newcastle), Aromatic spheres, two of a kind, A bit...
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CR,CR,RIC CCH JT the W GOMM The first letter of each line is a girl's name. (example: PP the KO Polly put the kettle on)...
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Only this clue left to complete crossword. Don't often get this far, so any help would be appreciated. Clue. Fear, but manage to get over it with force. [7] - e - t - g - .
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Each answer is related to the weather E.G. sounds like an unhappy team -DOWNPOUR is it in MIST or MYSTIC 6 LETTERS Place ' one' before leap 9 LETTERS Anagram: EUIIBGHNNRSST 6 AND 4 LETTERS Thanks -...

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