..that the storm has passed, and that calm is with us. The lights are on all other the world, and there are blue-birds flying over those white cliffs of Dover. The silent fields of Biggin Hill are...
I've got quite a lot of books. Several hundred in fact. A couple of weeks ago I moved all of them from one room to another into new bookcases. All of the books are stacked the same way so I can easily...
Get stressed easily. Have a quick temper. Sulk if things don't go your way. Carry on arguments for the sake of it. Get in a bad mood & take it out on those around you Wish you could change?
Hi all. I need to access my PC remotely from another country via my laptop. Both computers are connected to Broadband. Could someone please let me know if there is a way of me doing it for free and...
Arsenal went out of the FA cup today and I was sooo looking forward to arsenal being in the FA cup final on the 17th of may as that is the day that I marry lippy we get married at 2.30 so would have...
we have chicken eggs quail eggs goose eggs a number of others i dont doubt but ive never heard of or come across turkey eggs or am i being particularly saturday night.
Post 2 of 2 Leg_end758, referring to your pitiful invectives directed at me personally: Double Standards: something which may be defined in a number of ways ? but always as a derivative of the word...
Post 1 of 2 Rather than addressing on another's post, this one's personally for you two. Most people who post here have useful, productive and constructive lives and do not revolve around chronicles...
Hi as anyone had to re build their life again after divorce or some other devastating event? I am trying to but having a really hard time at the moment any inspiration would be most welcome xx
I'm going to grow some (already posted in home & garden 1 response so trying here too) sweet basil sweet marjarom curly parsley chives has anyone got any advise as I'm doing it for the first time?
Ready willing and able. So what are all you trolls doing then now. Gone to bed to have bitty with mummy have we. Sorry to all you gen ab ayers on here but it had to be said as this is the time of the...
1) sweet or savoury? 2) Your favourite pie shop? 3) Sunday Roast or Fish and chips? 4) TV Chefs rule or they are sechedule fillers? 5) did u ever copy a Blue Peter recipe? 6) sliced bread or barm...