69 a british isle & town in n, scotland, a landed estate 76 cows hamstring & reverse short letter ,,/e edge of coin 79 another name for town hall 94 music & king arthur here , high hill...
58 find blue john here ,old name for bingo
60 find a can in mans name ,place your car in garage
61 grows in forest ,find bishops throne in here
thank you...
4 in a pub,a, change a vowel touching, colour of horse 20 change letters round not wet pigs meat , grassland 48 invested by king ,sounds like dried grass ,walled area 49 oart of house in ce,amusement...
not sure off 2 often hear this after marriage 20 --- large tropical reptile 55 fly , owl ,bull , thrush & lark at his funeral thank you for any help...
as anyone worked out 87 anagram , h his wet stay 75 bottom on circle ,old boys -- , -, like skip 82 not here ,---.-, vintage princess 79 not go ,rent land, -- could be flower thank you...
20 --- large tropical reptile
24 small white ball , she could be a ferrit
28 two more then oriley
34 silly & foolish twice ,male large web footed
thank you...