2d: A striking wooden shaft. 10 letters. ????????c? 7a: Railway lines. 12 letters. ??????????r? 11d: Grating I found in the river after Sunday. 8 letters. ???i?e?t 10a: Disloyalty of Albert struggling...
1a: Go round one sergeant-major with gadget. 5 letters. ????o 9a: Main might. 3/5 letters. ??? and ?o?er. Second word could be power ?? 10a: Sticky go-between. 4 letters. ???e 12a: Nor do I arrange...
8a: The river can be sourced from the Russian mountains. 4 letters. ?r?? 2d: O, so this is an in- group? 6 letters. ???q?e. Is it unique?? 25a/3d: or setting on an unearthly dimension perhaps? 5/6...
4d: Darts start from this line. 4 letters. ?c?e 14d: Labours lost i. 5 letters. ??i?s 24d: Finished - the match has been struck. 5 letters. ?p??? 28a: Minute analysis? I second it’s ordering. 10...
9a: Record player, first person going round pub for spirit. 6 letters. ?j?n?? 4d: Ellie, not the Parisian priest. 3 letters. e?? 6d: Tell of island uprising, terrible, heartless. 7 letters. n?r?a?e....
8d: oh! Shock! Horror! 5 letters. y?k?s
32d: Smart and clever. 3 letters. W??
34a: Greek god and planetary moon. 5 letters. ??t?n
6d: do it again. 5 letters. r?s?t. Is it resit ??...
22a: Parasol couldn’t disguise ten twins. 3 words, 6/3/6. c?s?o? and a?? and ?o?l?? 5d: Understanding Kate could be at university.6 letters. u?t?k? Is it uptake ?? 17d: Type forward on the front. 2...
11a: Plotted line that surprisingly could be straight. 5 letters. c?r?? Is it curve ? Why ? 12a:Way leading character entered bar. 4 letters. r?a? Is it road ? 15d: One in France getting in very small...
14a: Finish the pole, splicing on old man - of - war. 4 words. 4/2/3/4 letter words. ?h?p and ?f and ?h? and??n?
11a: Bottom lady losing a rook. 5 letters. ??d?r...
4a: Guard explosive sector: 6 letters. 10a: Play even better card in attempt to get the trick. 9 letters. o???t???p 2d: Spy getting at information inside. 5 letters. a???? 8d: Fitness restriction. 13...
17a: Part of universe where life is possible is green and round. 9 letters. ???s?h?r?. Would it be ecosphere or biosphere??
5d: Was acquainted with, say, swell music. 3 and 4 letters. New / ?a?e....