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Completely stumped this week. Any ideas gratefully received.
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The Tory Party are struggling to find candidates, for the Local May elections. ..... Wonder why....
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ichkeria The main Shaheed drone factory in Isfahan Reports also of air strike on Iranian air base in Homs, Syria...
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The New Testament expects us to believe that a man was raised from the dead after been entombed for 3 days. Why would anyone just believe this? And if we don't, then we are all doomed to hell?...
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Really stuck this week. Please can I have a clue?
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Just heard on Radio 2 that Sunak has sacked Zahawi. More to follow, no doubt.
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ichkeria With apologies for the pun. I’ve always thought Bridgen for all I disagree with him on lots was an ultimately sensible bloke. And no doubt he is. What...
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Has the problem been solved and modesty prevents?
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Some reports suggest that he trashed the presidential place before leaving, but that might be a misinterpretation of his usual lifestyle habits. Anyone have more reliable info than I have managed to...
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wonder if you can point me in the right direction, please, folks .... a riverside village which gives its name to a gap through which the river flows. And a second teaser: the name of a 17th century...
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On this thread people who would never get into Mensa seem to claim they could but didn't because it has annual subs: Mensa is a club...
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...a speech by Neil Kinnock made some years ago came to mind. Are we worse off now than we were at the dawn if Thatcherism? I warn you not to be ordinary – I warn you not to be young – I warn you not...
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Hi I have recently got into only connect. I have noticed that a larger than usual amount of the contestants are in some way slightly different from usual, either in what they say, wear or do. Does...
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Why should we believe that he is a good and kind person? Obviously we can't simply rely on his own word, since a wicked creator could lie. I see no evidence that he is good and kind. Are we simply...
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As far fetched as you like... I will put it in my diary to check this time next year. 1. One of the world's big 10 volcanoes will erupt 2. Ukrainian president assassinated 3. Another country will...
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"I knew normally it took seven to ten years to develop a vaccine and for the safety data to be vetted before they could safely release it on human beings."...
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Proverbs 1:20-33 says “How long will you inexperienced ones keep loving inexperience, and must you ridiculers desire for yourselves outright ridicule, and will you stupid ones keep hating knowledge?...

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