Only two normal clues left - Scottish metal and carbon removed from mountain stones (4) ?IEN Order of redundancies of camping equipment (4) LIO? (If its just "lion", could someone please parse,... ...
I'm catching up on puzzles I missed last week. Some firing is fatal in this tale of feuds among commonwealth citizens (5,4) N?A?S/?A?? Thanks as ever ;)
13d Station north of Newcastle on the east coast mainline (8) A??M?O?H It's likely that the answer is ALNMOUTH, however the crossing answer 21a that should give the U is NETWORK (with 20d RAIL), so... ...
Happy New Year ABers! Not a clue question, just requiring confirmation that we only have to shade (choosing words carefully) a "representation" of the five first words, and not all instances.... ...
David's first, one replaced principally by Agnes's introduction (4) D?R? One character with interior confusion about origin of humans? (9) I?H?R?T?A Thanks muchly