13d Station north of Newcastle on the east coast mainline (8) A??M?O?H It's likely that the answer is ALNMOUTH, however the crossing answer 21a that should give the U is NETWORK (with 20d RAIL), so... ...
Good evening everybody. I'm stumped again this month. 8a Dylan associates (3,4) ?h?,??n? 5d seasons in the __ (5) ???s? 15a _ Tyler (3) ?a? 16a __ end (7) ?e?s??? 14d we all _ _ we are (4,3) ????... ...
Good evening, help would be appreciated for the following, thank you! 28 No Dream arranged like Ansermet’s Suisse orchestra (7) ?O?AN?E 32 Love this flower that’s a standard... ...
Happy New Year ABers! Not a clue question, just requiring confirmation that we only have to shade (choosing words carefully) a "representation" of the five first words, and not all instances.... ...
I'd usually fold the Telegraph twice so that the crossword grid and clues are neatly on my lap. I'd get a coffee and a pen and make a start. I rarely complete it without help from here in ... ...