I see in the UK Lotto there is a new option whereby if you do the main Lotto for £1 you can then enter another 5 daily draws for an extra £1. This seems like good value as it is only 20p...
I was listening to Eminem's latest album, Recovery, and as I was trying to sing along to Don't Back Down https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxYYrSfTlZ0 I realised that I didn't have a clue of barely any...
From what I see all banks do these days is store your money and use it to create money for themselves. Very little of the profits go to ordinary people, they are just shared around among this elite...
Financially there is a general consensus that Ireland is screwed for many years to come. A lot of people are annoyed at the way the government have bailed out banks and other rich friends and lumped...
I came across this bible contradiction chart but I'm not too sure how to check out what it means. Can anyone give a couple of examples from using the link, thanks....
Any time we have sausages left over after tea I'll usually finish them off a few hours later. I find that when they are cold they are much tastier for some reason. Do you like your sausage hot or...
We recently got a new bed and I was going to chop the old one up for firewood. I'm just thinking before I cut up the pieces that the mattress lay on could I use them instead or make something from...
Enda Kenny, the leader of Fine Gael who are odds on to win the upcoming Irish election, seems to be doing a disappearing act and trying to weasel out of televised debates, so far having come up with...
We are having fry and chips later on for tea. I decided to cut them up earlier on to save a bit of time later. At the moment they are sitting in a bowl of cold water. But what is the best way to keep...
I was looking at my Ebay account and it shows that I have fees of 30p from listings that I made. These were made ages ago and the items did not sell. I only use Ebay to buy but just put these items on...
This is just a test with 20 questions and at the end you are given your mental age. http://mymentalage.com/new I did it twice, the first time I was 8 years older than my age, the second time 11 years...
I put this into How It Works earlier as I hadn't noticed a Motoring section http://www.theanswerb...s/Question986152.html The only reason I am reposting is just in case someone with motoring knowledge...
If you were to travel to the past and walk up to your grandfather and just say hello, would you then never be born? I was just thinking that say for example, there are 100,000 sperm in every...
What constitutes a religion? If I decide of my own accord to say a few words in praise of the Sun at Sunrise and Sunset, does that make me part of a religion? I am aware that Sun worship is probably...