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i want my skin to be as healthy as possible but dont no how! what is your best way that you have found to keep your skin looking clear and glowing? Also whats the best way of getting rid of chapped...
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How are the basics tea and coffee made?  I have rarely done so and don't drink either myself.
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Worried mum
I am getting married in 4 weeks time. I am 5ft 5 and weigh 10 stone. I am a size 12, not fat and not thin but could do with toning up. I dont get loads of time but have a stepper at home and do that...
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codie n
Iv decided i need a new hobbie any ideas?What hobbies could i do in the comfort of my own home? W hat are your hobbies?
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I dont no why but lately i have been feeling abit down. I dont see the point in living...i just feel everythink is so nowadays people just judge you on the way you look etc...and...
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I have exams all this week and have 12 during the week. I have an R.E exam tomorrow, and I have sixteen topics to revise... small topics. I have NO idea how to revise. Any tips?
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I have a little proble, and need your flat mate has finished studies and wants to go back North home.As it is us 2 sharing the flat, now I will have to find a new place to live.I can't...
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HELP.....Went out for a meal on Saturday and sat in some chewing gum.....I'd only brought my skirt on that day. Its a gipsy style white cotton skirt.I've tried the freezer but to no avail...Can anyone...
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my son is 7 years old and hes always been a nightowl , going to sleep late and waking up early, but lately its getting worse. hes been going to sleep at after 12am even though i put him to bed at 7:30...
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I have a 4 year old daughter who has been the center of my life since the second I saw her face. Ive hardly spent any time away from her since the day she was born. I have a weakness for her and give...
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Has anyone got any quick, easy summer recipes, apart from just salad.  We both work til about 6.30 so by the time were home and bathed etc its getting quite late.   Thanks...
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Ok so i'm pretty bored today.  Done everything ive gotta do and got 2 hours before work. I would be a cat (with a really nice owner of course)  I would laze about all day in the...
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If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be and why?
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Hey, i have got somewhat long hair, and when i hate leaving it out because after an hour or so it gets all tangled and at the end of the end becomes very difficult to brush, even though my hair does...

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