Rare description of 7-stone weakling having sand kicked in his face? 4,2,3,6. Have the following letters just suspect something must be wrong: ??I?/O?/T?E/???I?? ON THE? OF THE? Many thanks for any...
18d One testing leading celebrities after drug event, mostly. 8 letters; have T?I?L?S?; assumed TRIP something but thinking one of my other answers must be wrong. Thanks for your help
22A Lecturer avoiding dismissive comment for untidy appearance (5) S???T 23D English with caustic comment upset French writer (4)??D? Soda? 9A Precise reproduction involves little lattitude? Set away...
One to go and struggling so wondering if something's wrong: 15d Success for pop group as The Sun appears (4,4) The Sun is written in italics. I have: P?L? D?S? Many thanks for your help
Beaten by one - or perhaps another is wrong? Girl is girdled by fancy belt, 6 letters; have L?S?E? LASS+?? LASHED? Any help appreciated - thanks in advance
Hi, any anyone managed to find the answers promised today on the Radio Times site? If so, a point in the right direction would be much appreciated, many thanks
Apologies if I'm repeating but I think I've followed all the threads and still don't know which program the three dressed up dogs feature in . . . unfortunately, I already have 51 answers so will have...
Apologies, especially to Mark, if these have already been asked but I followed several threads and am still looking for my remaining three: 20d Clearing earth by one's allotment, 11 letters; have...
Asked earlier by Souxie but, as far as I can see, no answer so two of us looking for help please on Prision not entirely unattractive - nearly all reject hanging 9 letters, have P???T?O?S but happy to...
Last one: Tense during victory festival - one's sampled a lot of booze, 4 and 6 letters; have ?I?E ???T?R Think wine taster, fits second part of the clue but can't see the link with the first part....
Last one and, once again, it's a shortie that's beating me and I'm a cricket fan! 26a No cricket side will have twelve, 4 letters. I have N?O? but by changing the ending of 15d, it could start with G....
Stuck on last one, fear something's wrong!
Indian dish: recipe articles will include it, 5 letters; have PxIxA, certain the A is correct, thereafter . . . all help appreciated...
9D Staff in Kent, say, opposed filling opening 3 and 4 letters; have H?P, ?O?E 16D Hit college is wrong until introduction of admissions 9 letters; have S?I?TIL?A
Many thanks...