What a horrible week its been here, three prostitutes getting murdered, one person dead from a gun shot wound in a nightclub, three others shot and one stabbed. I had to go to my local sorting office...
dont you just hate it if you join a dead long thread and then your the last and nobody answers after you i feel like billy no mates so iam allways dead glad when i get answer after me so go on make me...
what is it with men and oral sex, i was reading in a magazine the other day that 75% of men prefer oral sex (bj) to sex. which of you agree with this??
has any one experianced this and how did you resolve it? me and the wife have a joint acc and over the last coulpe of months have been having regular small amounts of funds taken from our acc to...
i made a mistake at work this morning, and was told by the boss "my head is up my a55" called me a "d1ckhead" and told me to "p1ss off" would anybody else stand for this treatment? i know not many...
hi guys i no iv asked this before but theres lots of new people on here now so i want to be nosy,,,, describe in 1 word 1 your personality 1 the way you look 1 the way you would like 2 be 1 the way...