If I type an email and then wish to copy and paste something into it, for example a URL it doesnt work. If I right-click in the email I get no option for 'paste' but the text in the email (that i...
Can anyone please advise what are the best colours to use when designing a GUI application that contains colour-coded information. I wanted to use red/yellow/green but a colleague who is colour-blind...
Is there any way to block the apparently randomly generated utterless pointless spam, just hundreds of words of gibberish, that pours into my mail boxes? The usual tricks with Outlook Express rules...
I've bought a 1gb memory stick from novatech. and when i right click on removable drives(e) in my computer then propeties.. its says "961mb" why isnt it 1gb:S thanks for any1 helps
Is there a group or association in Britain that deals with memory. I am acting in a Shakespearean play late this year and so need to learn the lines (I have a large part) and was wondering if there...
We have been hit with several trojans lately which I have dealt with using AVG. However, every time I go onto Google we get a warning that W32 Myzor.FK@yf is present.. It recommends downloading...
Is it true that the larger the size of the molecules, the more viscous the substance? (Original version of question, asked by my son: Why is water liquid and not gooey?)
I have all of my music in iTunes on my PC. If i wanted to buy a new PC is there a way to transfer all of the music on to the new PC? Thanks in advance for your help.
This question is for anyone who has ever used trojans to access a remote computer/network. I have been tooling around with the art of hacking for several years, and would like to know How do I obtain...
When i download the things i want on my laptop like WORD, SCANNER, PRINTER and when i install MCAFEE firewall and anti-virus My laptop then connects to my router for internet access The internet is...
i am a frequent user of msn messenger but would like to know how to sign into windows messenger. i canot use my hotmail adress as it says i have to have a .net password and username and it is all so...
My friend just tried to down load a movie off the web and he was told he would need some software to do this he cannot remember exactly what it was called be may be something like connex??? Any way...
I am buying a new computer and donating the old one to a friends child. As I do banking and other financial stuff online, how do I ensure that no information like this is left on the hard drive?...
I am thinking of using google sponsored links to help promote my business on the internet. I know that everytime the link is clicked on i pay google 4pence. But, how do i pay google? Does it come...
Is there a music player that is the same size as an ordinary cd music walkman type that will take mp3s on a dvd but will also play my existing cd collection and my own cd mp3 collection. Reason I am...
According to info I should be able to receive my netscape/aol mail via thunderbird To create and configure your AOL/AIM e-mail account in applications not listed above, please use the table below. If...