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I have a small new Buddleia that has flowered this year just on one single stem ,should I prune it to make it have more flowers next year or is it best to leave it
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do any of you use wikipedia for informtion or research,I have found some of the answers to be a bit unreliable ,I used to go to the library for everything before I had internet access but it is a bus...
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I have so far succeeded in avoiding having to use the horror that is MS Office 2007. Now though I have to use it and emails in Outlook 2007. I have so far wasted a forest of paper the size of Wales...
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my husband has been told that one leg is slightly longer than the other and that he needs an insole to build up his shoe. where do you get one of these from or even made? i think its half an inch or 1...
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I had a bit of a clear out earlier and I found some old newspapers which I'd kept as momento's. They were of Diana's funeral, The eclipse of the sun and 9/11. What do you think I should do with them?...
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how can I remove a very strong smell of cigarettes from a new handbag I just received without spoiling it
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is there a quick way to go down the page to the latest answer without having to re-read all of the others each time first
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I was lying in bed earlier reading my Bella magazine and there was a sharp pain in my leg. I scratched it but it kept getting more and more painful. Later I found a dying wasp or bee on the bed. It...
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Hope this is in the right section. When we came out of the In-Laws tonight there was a really bright star in the sky, it was about 7pm and it was SW-W ish and quite low in the sky. The kids were...
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I've cancelled it. TV is rubbish. Haven't watched the idiot box for months, makes sense to stop paying for it....
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I took some cod fillets out the freezer yesterday which I normally just serve with spuds and veg. I've decided I want to do something less boring tonight - it can't be spicy though cos one of our...
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i have an abbundance of chopped mixed nuts, cashews and lentils in my cupboard, which made me think of a nut roast. Has anyone got a good easy recipe?
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When I make these, my family complain that it is a 'dry' dinner. If you eat these, do you make gravy to accompany the chicken?? Or a sauce???...
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HI, i am growing plants in a terrarium and wondered if i can use a INFRA RED heat lamp as heat source, don't want to cook them.thanks..bernard...
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I have seen something on the right hand side of the M40 on a small hill going North between Banbury and the B4451 at Gaydon, it looks like a rotunda or temple ,does anyone know what it is please?
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sorry i entered my question in the wrong section ,can i move it
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Driving along the M40 towards Northampton from the M4, I noticed what looked like a folly on my left. It has the appearance of an extremely large dovecote with a pointed roof and arches built into it....

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