Could you help me try to finish this crossword, please. 23ac Deception or heatless lie, in a sense. (7ltrs) s-----t ) 21dn Turn up in a first part of press conference, for example (6ltrs) a----r 16dn...
Any help with the top left hand corner would be appreciated. Can't seem to get going!! 1ac Get away from exam, being first to finish? (8ltrs) --e----- 9ac Rigid group of players meeting press...
Good morning. Could you confirm a couple of clues, please. 5dn Adherent of sect originating in Jamaica (5ltrs) --s-a Think it is RASTA........ 5ac (5,5ltrs) Men's long, formal garments -(r)-c- coats...
35ac Set in stone (11ltrs) --a-t-r-b-e 35dn Not bothered (11ltrs) ----n-e-n-d 39ac Destroying (8ltrs) -r---i-g I'm thinking breaking or crushing but cannot make it fit with 35ac and 35dn with are...
Can't seem to get going with this crossword. Could anyone help with a kickstart, please. 5dn Weekly publication shaping up as lengthy read (6,9ltrs) S----- T-----A-- I think it may be serial...
Could you help me with a few clues, please. 5dn Tense, as pupil is in audition (4ltrs) t--t I think it might be tort, but not sure. 16dn Marine crustacean exposed, retaining salt (8lts) b-r-a--- Again...
Hi there. Please could someone confirm the correct address to send this crossword. Is it Prize Puzzle etc or Telegraph Puzzles March Issue, or doesn't it matter.... I'm sure I have seen this mentioned...
Could you confirm 45dn for me , please. Nautical term meaning in or behind the stern of a ship (5ltrs) a-a-t. I'm fairly sure it is abaft but there again it could be avast... Many thanks. Four Clubs.
Please could you help with the last few clues. I really am struggling with these. 46ac Shrub related to rhododendrons (6ltrs) --a-e- (Really should know this!) 28dn Sea fish which attaches itself to...
Could you help me with the last clue, please. 16ac Cease (from doing) f-r-e-r (Cryptic clue Choice of notes one hears, a refrain) The only word I can come up with is farceur but really cannot see...
Posted this question a little while ago, but it hasn't come up on screen!! Does anyone know what has happened to Brian's site? I keep getting "Oops link broken" when I try and access it. Many thanks....