Can anyone help me on the last 3 clues please I'm really struggling. 54ac Place of worship 9 ltrs c---a-r-l (could it be chaparral?) 56ac Having no blue pencil applied 10 ltrs -n-e-s---e 47dn Fool 6...
Having difficulty finishing this xword. 1ac Make confused petition involving government department 5 ltrs. --f-t 9ac Set of notes redsuced to old page size 6 ltrs ---a-- 17ac Man hardly confused with...
Largest of orkney Isles ???O?A Colourless gas formed by electric discharge in oxygen ??O?E 18th century leicestershire workman alleged to have destroyed industrial machinery ?E? ?L?D? Thankyou, I am...
As usual I am stuck on a couple...36 across - Southern Nigerian market town and capital of the state of Imo. (6). . . . .and37 down - Marked by self-restraint and reticence (8)Any help would be most...
9ac Opinions and doctrines that are at variance with an official position - 6 letters h---s-. Hopefully sheave is correct for 5dn. 6dn Person on a film set who moves the camera - 4 letters ***p. Many...