Please can you help me with the following clues. 1dn Get engaged repeatedly in scheme Holmes hatched (4ltrs) m?s? The only thing I can think of is. Iss but cannot see why. 19ac In war, can accept...
Coy (7ltrs) r?g?i?h The only word I can think of is roguish, but didn't thinknit meant coy !! I think all my letters are correct but welcome your thoughts, please. Many thanks. Four Clubs
Please can you help me finish this crossword.Like part ofMont Blanc - south of it, a climber almost falls. (7ltrs) i?a?i?n. Is it Italian and if so why. Many thanks. Four Clubs
14 a Bogus female disrupted sale (5)
I have --l--
5d Small and delicate, the Parisian sent back part of a fish ()
I have
Any ideas...completely stuck! Thanks....
Could you help me with my final clues, please. 10ac A learner comes after class, according to convention (6trs) ?o???l 2dn They never oppose head of state in part of Middle East (3,3ltrs) ?e???n Many...
Please can you help me with the last two clues. Soft and velvety; or off White (6ltrs) ?r?a?y. I can only think of creamy....... Fruity, chewy sweet (4,3ltrs) ?i?e ?u?. Again the only thing I can...
Please could you help me finish this crossword. Bridges are burnt once you've crossed this river. (7ltrs) r?b?c?n I am sure it must be rubicon but cannot see why! Many thanks. Four Clubs
Please can you help me. I seem to be going round in circles!! 56ac in low spirits ?e?p?d???t - I want to put despondent but then 47dn Be filled with intense anger ?e?p??. Many thanks. Four Clubs
Please could help me finish this crossword. Very late this month due to busy Easter. 5dn Youth who's prepared to buy 'cos confused (3,5 lts) ?o? s?o?t. Just can't see it. Also is 28ac Sedation....
Could you help me finish this crossword, please. Composed: ready (6ltrs) ?o?s?d and pull round rubbish container to find pipes (6ltrs) ?u?i?g (rubbing?) Many thanks. Four Clubs
Please could you help me finish this crossword. Dons (5,2ltrs) I have ?l?p? i? Not really sure abiut this one could it be slips in, clips in...... Many thanks. Four Clubs
Please could you help me with the final clue. Brightly shining (Ltrs) g?i?s?r? I think all the letters are correct but would appreciate your guidance. Many thanks. Four Clubs