12a forbidding setting (7) -u-tion
24a the supporter embraces a novice on finding such a confection (4) -L-N
35a much work here in getting the examples about right (4) e-g-
Any help appreciated!...
37a Was it this variety of apple that made Sir Isaac stop to think 6,6 4d brown part of those pianos 5 13d quietly told untruths but worked steadily 5 14a extremes of humidity can be useful 5 Any help...
2a get rid of a savoury biscuit, being a little explosive (11)
12d how to make the wasp deplete a traditional compote 6,5
Would appreciate any help :o)...
Looking for some help :)
14d it makes one red to have gore strewn around the bend (5) r_u_e
17d the viewer must be hot and more ancient (8) b_ _ o _ d _ r
13d form an eddy (5) s _ i _ L
Would appreciate some help: 1a weather feature found in consecutive love letters (3) 1d a number of ads for classic bedroom furniture (4,7) 2d horrible way it matured a little, by the sound of it (8)...