THE CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES IS 30TH MARCH 2025 7. Possible Gymnasts cover-up! 8 letters 12. Four hours of duty. 5 letters 48. Crustacean aware of health & safety. 6&4 letters 50. Eaten out? It... ...
7a) First published in 1900(8,5) to rhyme with 7b)Someone who may walk in front of a train (5) 8b)Goes for (6) to rhyme with mouth 7a)Word that can follow mixture and kennel(5) to rhyme with off.
But of a weird one to describe today: theft theft theft theft The top three thefts are in black. The lower "theft" is in grey. There are swooshes from the top right... ...
Help please - All answers are One Word with Two Meanings 1) The dignity deserves respect (6) 2) Moses did it to the Red Sea and left (6) 3) A cunning plan to breathe heavily (6)
Help please 1/ Winged beauty (3,7) 11/ Used in warfare (5,6) 26/ Variety o fruit ( 5,6) 30/ Old jazz song ( 4 6 ) 49/ Cocktail mixer ( 4,7 ) Thank you.
Can anyone help with my last three please. Clues have sound like answers. No.7 Wed (5), Give an unfair adantage (3), Precious Metal (4) - I have Marry for the 1st word and Gold for the 3rd word... ...
Hi again, still looking for last 2 on this, 6) Snitch on the cow (6) I have seen it answered as Boxing, but cant work out why 22) Knockout opera(6) Thank You
I'm stuck on some of these. Fill in the missing word: ....... ! Jingle bells, Jingle bells Then the first letter of it and the other 9 first letters give an African country - the letters I've got are... ...
In what year were the referee and a player from each of the competing All-Ireland Finalists members of the same club ? a. 1934 b. 1942 c. 1950 Any idea, please im struggling with this one.