Can you help me please? 16 across - person able to sway decisions, ?o?e? b???e? 17 down - area rich in fuel ????I?l? 20 across - Member of the cast of a musical - ?h?r?s ?I?? 26 down - fight - f?a? I...
Pick me up magazine -Issue 33 - Puzzle 9 - the big crossword. Can you help me please. 8 across -in terms of wealth - ?a?e?i???y 7 down - soccer slip - ?I?o?c? 19 down - type- ?a?i?n? 24 down - remove...
1a:sharp items of footwear? (8,5) ?????T?O???L? 2d: abound(with)(4) ??E? 20d: state of being an adult male(7)M?????D 21a:stuffiness(9) ?L?S???S? 25a:cockerel bred for eating(5) ?A??? 26a:undersized(4)...
Last ones have got me any help would be appreciated. Thanks. 1a sweet roll with a sugary topping. (4,3) ?c?d?u? 24a lack of attention (10) ?l?p???e?s 15d innocent (9) c?i?d???e Thank you in advance....