4A,8L, -E-A-L-D comprehensive ending indeed,and 14A,5&7, F-R-T/-E-E-V- many thanks,in anticipation. the first on may begin with DE and end ED,(indeed),and the second probably begins with FIRST,thanks...
6a Book size with sheets folded to make 8 sides (6) ?????O
1d Belief system (6,2,7) ???O???????????
5d Generation got to grips with this through a comic (7,8) ?N?L??? ????????...
4a 8L -a-c-d-- fell into affair with scoundrel on the day
26a 7L g---c-I force prisoner to return greek characters food,i think it maybe g-noc-I
thank you...
informal confirmation as you formerly arrived at a hospital 4L -e-h backwards made to cut test 4L --a- and finally acceleration in high speed train takes energy and speed 5L h-s--,i thought haste,but...