23a Dicken's new man (5) N - G - S Is this NEGUS?
12a Harris's brother (4) B - E - BRET?
7d Dickens tells us he married on his whiskers (9) M - - - A - I -I
Finished, but explanations, please. 9a Panto character name assumed by Jordan? (6) PRINCE 5a Stand back behind horse with fairy (6) CONWEB 35a He has no trouble being contrary (7) HELLION Thanks....
Last few. 1a Belmont lady who was determined her client should not lose weight (6) P - - - I - 11a Stewart, who discreetly offered a private view (5) I - N - S Innes? 14a Fool for love, indeed died...
3d Edward Lear painted, and the Durrells spoke of those of Corfu (9) - - L - N - - - S 22d Hamlet or Macbeth extended play, adding nothing with an associate of Falstaff (6) - P - - - M Very hard this...
Still struggling this week. 10a Yes, Arnold revision of a forebear of Shakespearian tomboy (9) R - - - - - N - E Looks like an anagram of Yes Arnold, but I can't fit anything. Thanks.
16d Obscure time for Thompson to take his dessert (5, 4) A - T - R - L - - If 29a is SKATER for Dr Walker as pictured by Raeburn then las letter is 'K' which makes it very hard to fit anything. It's...
25a Endless neglect leads to row - one gets more bad-tempered (8) S - I - T - E - Probably last four letters are TIER from row, but can't think of anything that fits this, except something...
20a Something used to detect drugs or laced ale (4, 4) D - - - N - S -
Why might this be DOG's NOSE?
If so 19d is Say donor's not very much closer to laying? (6) - G - I - R EGGIER?
Enjoyable crossword, but struggling with bottom left corner. 13d Recorders of complaint with detective catching reprobate up (6-1-3) - L - T - - - B - C I could have something wrong, but I don't think...
Anyone else noticed how the Saturday Times seemes to have been upgraded to Mephisto difficulty? 28a Separate storage facility (4) S - E - 2d On site, working without quite serious linesman (7) E - - -...