I submitted and have one wrong. I suspect it was 27a. Drills used in coniferous trees, one's heard (7) S - E - E -S I had SKEWERS. I couldn't see the connection, but I submitted anyway. I'm pretty...
I've just submitted the Saturday Times and I have one wrong. I've checked and triple checked for typos, but can't find any. The only clue I think might have two answers is 12a Conspicuous way to be...
18a Spa feature perhaps too much in activity centre (3, 3) - O - T - - Looks like OTT fits in it somewhere, but then I can only think of HOT TOP. 19d Tramp over land, pouch fitted to belt (6) - - M -...
1a Democrat's explanatory writing about a regressive old tax (8) It's either DANEGELD or DANEGELT, but I can't say which, because I can't see the word play.
Hard one this week....
43a Fellow limiting European budget (5) C - E - - 44d Woman behind the lines? (7) - - E - E - S and why is 8d SATIATE, Overstuff hollow arrangement penned by avant-garde composer (7)? Thanks....
I'mm absolutely stuck. 3d Canadian rummer abandoning area I stop pinching Father's hearing aid (8, 6) M - - - - - - - /F - - - N - 12a Weapon mark that inauspiciously appears on forehead (5, 4) - - O...
All finished, I think. 8d Staff boarding front of plane always assembled for take-off. I have PARODY. I see the ROD and P, front of plane, but the rest? 21d One taking bow having put together church...
As usual stuck on last two.
30a By the sound of it, breeds birds (5) - - E - S
22d Supports consumer turning up in store (6, 2) - H - - - S - P