Does anyone have the same problem as me with this site? Whenever I try to access old crosswords I submitted with an error, to see where I went wrong, I receive an error - (TypeError): Cannot call...
All correct, but can't see the reasoning to two.
19d Drop rule when installed DECREASE
and 45a Sport? Thin people benefit, says Spooner SPEEDWAY
17a Cold bass recalled by polar explorer (4) - Y - D 15d Where to find doges in oxford listings, especially unfavoured ones (9) U - D - R - O - S Is this UNDERDOGS, UNDERGODS, or UNDERGOES? Thanks....
11a After first person, see side river as treatment for arthritis (9) R - L - X - C - M Relaxicam seems to be a Spanish tradename for an arthritis drug, but apart from CAM being a river, I don't see...
Strange crossword this week, or is it me. Most of what I've got I can't really explain, but they fit. 22d Carrying litter home over gorge (2, 3) I - - - G 14d Label on box of tablets below with a...
13a Indian city covering half the land (4) - G - A Looks like AGRA, but I can't see then connection. 16d Oliver or Adam? G - L - S - I - H Almost certainly Goldsmith, but where does Adam come in?...
26a Oliphant's and Simon's couples thus suited (5) - - D - Y
22d Revolting Fleming celebrated by Goethe and Beethoven (5) - G - - - T
AGEIST? Thanks....
27a Letter of old doctor and papers in form of a riddle (7) E - - - O - -
22d Believing body has elevated joint leader in Marathon (local version) (5)
U - M - -
Thanks for help....
5d Roman measures how twenty-three can equal twelve? (5) M - D - I
7d Answer criticism after final change to neighbour's channels (5) A - L - J
The 'J' isn't a typo. Thanks....
Last two. 24a Like Henry Green's party (but not living or loving) (7) L - A - I - G Why would this be LEAVING. I realise that in Party Going they were leaving, but what about the rest? 18d Catch on to...