Stuck on a few 28a like the paparazzi of the past they'd beat the tar out of one to hit the high tides.10 -r---g-n-s. 25a water released read from second part tofirst its still a discharge 6 -... ...
Stuck on a few 1d red light on for general motors the way the world is going. 7,3,2,3 -u---n,o-t,of,--- 10a how and why might your entry lie to be rewritten in full ---i-e- 28a guys avail nothing out...
Stuck on 3 28a creator maybe from nothing to start with, or rating I readjust for one. 10 -r-g------ 27 diluting agents for those on a diet of aspirin 8 ----n-r- 25 oh what a blast to hear birdsong...
18a as fickle as fate is such a state-for good or ill, as luck would have it(6,2,7) ?h????,of ???t??? 5d sleeping partner for , for Oscar perhaps? (9)?e?f?e??? 19d the clue is numbered for you, and...
Stuck on 2 10d have a seeing what's cooking oops your goose is cooked it's not for eating 6-a---r, 18/14a must be a fine feller who can see the forest fir the trees 10 or 4,6 ---- c-tt-r...
Anyone know these 9d After noon tea, we hear, rescheduled? Can’t have that? (3,2) 13a O santa will be around for a classical musical composition. (6) sonata? 73a Jason the argonaut's priceless prize...
Hi stuck on a few 9a petition contains many names for this time of year 5,5 5d So deserving of praise top navy man might be 9 -----a-l- 28a What folks for a female to call herself! 10 -m-r-d-n-e...
6d as ever on for it, santas sure in for it (4,4)?o??, ?a?l 5d glibal economies brought to book by austerity?(4,5)?a??,???e? 23d .. furmly grounded(6)??o?e? 13a institute.... search for extra...
Stuck on a few 18a as close as it can go on death row for a stay you might say 2,3,4,2,4?n, the,----,--,---- 16d leading lights from the 4th dimension 10 l---n----- 5d got the legs to run with this...