10a What we should all aim to eat? 8,4 ?????c?d ?i?t 2d Reciprocated? ?e???i?ted 1d Systematised collection of information? ?a???a?e I'd be very grateful for help - thank you
10 Across (4-2-2)A ceromony of the Spanish inquisition including the pronouncement and execution of sentences passed on sinners and heretics. A?T?-?A-?E Mnay thanks in advance
Please can anyone help with the following; 14a-Feature of Stonehenge - 10 letters 19a-One who changes things - 8 letters 27a-Mocking laughter - 9 letters 20d-Ends of lines - 7 letters 24d-Giant fro...
help please! 10a confirmation call W?L?? 4d remove air from E?A?U?T? 8d speed-control device ???G?N?R also can someone help me please on a general question. when i start to put something in the Search...