11a euclid? 36a vowel sound in unstressed syllables in english s=h=a 37a mould or carve a design in low relief above a surface e===s= 39a fly =g=r=c a poisonous mushroom 32d verdi opera based on a...
Help please with the following - thanks in advance
14a. Having a particular key, unlike some works of (webern) - t-n-l
21d Drink with stimulant removed - d-c-f...
1 down film 2002 wimp turn into superhero have - ?p?d?o ?a? also 15 across
one of miltons fallen angels ?e?i?r thanks..am finding this week really hard!!...
never been this stumped before!! any help would be great. 10ac.Western Isles.(8). 19ac.Existing in Heaven.(9). 20ac. Seeking the middle (11). 14dwn.Title of Ambassador(10) -:)
Have no knowledge of English public schools and am stuck with last three.
10a S?o?e (Buckinghamshire) 18d ?a?v?r? (Worcestershire) 21d ?u?b? (Warwickshire)...