Is there such a thing as an easy to clean juicer, Every now and then I get all health consious and stock up on loads of fruit and veg with a view to "juice" every day. By day 3 I am fed up with the...
all you experts out there, what is the ultimate toasted sandswich fillinf????? Had a good cheese and ham today but is there anything better and what is the best bread?
I know it is almost Mid-summer, and the birds are giving us a rousing dawn chorus at 4am. But is there any way to sleep through it for us 40 somethings who wake up at 4am. Every night I am so tired, I...
busy weekend so only now geting round to crosswords, stuck on 47D Pharoah who buily pyramid at giza, -H----, 55A Chinese gambling gam, --N-A-and 54A legal word meaning to bar or preclude. Thancks in...
This week my husband had to attend court on a speeding charge. He already has 9 points so was reconciled to a driving ban, but the magistrate has offered the option of another hearing for exceptional...
My 19yr old daughter is soon off on gap year to Thailand, Fiji, New Zealand and Australia. Obviousley she knows it all. Well they do, do 't they!!She has done a safety course in London. But is there...
This Fridy I will be 49 years old. I'm not proud or sad, in fact I don't give a f--k, but my family are asking wot I want as presents. I can't think of a thing. If U were me wot would u want? By the...
It took me a few weeks to realise that it wasn't just my local ASDA that had no fig rolls. I visited a local Sainsburys and was told that there is a worldwide shortage of figs. mostly due to the fires...
Following on from last weekends canter about hairloss in cats, for which I am very grateful for everyones advice, my vet has changed our flea regime from Frontline to Promeris, supposedly it lasts 6...
My 4 year old shorthaired tortoiseshell moggie has recently suffered hair loss on the insides of her legs, and the area is now almost bald. It is not bothering her, she is not grooming or scratching...