Specific locations in the British Isles, geographical features of land or sea, places in fiction, landmarks, buildings, sporting venues, historical sites and song titles. Can anyone help with the...
Can anyone help please? Flower: Feathered friend from heaven on earth. One word titled film: They are very decent chaps. " " " " : They break the earthly spirits. Number of letters...
Can anyone help with the following please: Fabrics/Material : Please plug the gap, he requested. Vegetables: An Emerald shade was here. " : Strike the primary source. (Number of letters are not...
Answers are specific locations in the British Isles, to include gepgraphical features of land or sea, places in fiction, landmarks, buildings, sporting venues, historical sites and, coincidentally, a...
Can anyone help please? The clue is: Rascal loses head and means to start a fire.
(7 letters). There is no theme to this quiz. I would appreciate any help. Thanks....
Really struggling with this one - can anyone help please.
No. 34. Heat Greek letter. (6 letters).
The answer is a Children's TV programme. Would be very grateful for any help. Thanks....
Could anyone help please? There is no particular theme to this quiz - it is just called a Cryptic Quiz. I am struggling with the following clues and would appreciate any help: No. 1. Starts working...
Could anyone help please? The answer should be a phrase in which the two main words begin with the letter P (as in "a Puzzle for Parkinson") The clue is: Out of this world experience....
Can anyone help please? The clue is: Initial to change loud signal (8.6. letters)
There is no particular theme to the quiz. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks....
Struggling with the following clues - can anyone help please? No. 43. 'Ouse-keepin' money for er. (5.5. letters) No. 44. How evolution produced a nation of gym lovers. ( letters) No. 53....
Can anyone help with the following clues please? No. 2. --- found in front of takeaways perhaps. (8.5. letters) No. 14. Film studio takes a spliff turning it all ways. (9.5. letters) No. 26. She was...
Can anyone help with these clues please? All answers are Islands of the World: No. 1. A big brown bear! (6 letters) No. 2. Not an Anglo-Saxon, but a mixed one (5 letters) No. 3. Moby Dick could have...
This is just a cryptic quiz -there is no theme to it. Can anyone help please with this clue: Not much likelihood of getting the handset (6.6. letters). Any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks....
Can anyone help me with this clue please: Elle, we hear, uses bike to reach heaven (4.5. letters) I would guess the five letter word would be cycle but, then again, I may be wrong. Has anyone any...
Can anyone help with this please: Clue: Cricketers love them (they look good on the tree) 5.5. letters. I don't know the first thing about cricket so am having difficulty with this clue. Can anyone...
1. Heard in a famous cathedral.
2. A new one is more efficient.
Number of letters are not given. The answers are flowers. Can anybody help please?
No. 1. a / *a** / *ai*'* / a-*o**a / *a** by ***a* / *e*** No. 2. *o* / o* / **e / ***e / (*e*i*i*e*) by *a**a / a** / *i**i**a**e I've really tried to find these but have drawn a blank. Can anyone...
Clue: Turn about abode of ghosts. (Number of letters not given). The answer to this clue will be as near as possible to how it sounds. Would be grateful for any help. Thanks.