Can anyone help please? As the Quiz title suggests all answers are connected in some way to music. Clue: A geometrically integral part of the orchestra. (8 letters). I would be very grateful for any...
Could anyone help please? The clue is: Where a deposit of fossil fuel could be found (9 letters). The answer is "Parts of a House" I can only come up with Coalplace but I have a feeling that...
Could anyone help please:
The clue is: Drug leads girl to meet dodgy characters. Number of letters not given.
The answer is a Fairy Tale/Pantomime.
Anyone any ideas? Thanks....
Please could anyone help with the following clue:
What the two Peters like to eat.
The answer is either a fruit or a vegetable. Number of letters not give. Thanks....
I'm hoping some kind person can help me with my last three: 3d. Cry of dismay heard in Greek theatres (4) I have O?e? 24d. Peach, like Carol (4) I have ?i?g 25a. African was disfigured with scars (7)...
IAll answers are either grown or used in the garden. E.G. SNWDRPS = Snowdrops I'm struggling with the following two clues and wonder if anyone can help me please: No. 1. KLS NNS (2) words. No. 2. STBL...
Can anyone help please? I have tried and tried, without success,to find the answer but have not succeeded. Clue: Which film had 10 directors. (Number of letters are not given). Any help would be very...
Closing date is looming and I still cannot think of the answer to these clues. Can anyone help please? All answers are names of fish. Number of letters not given. No. 1. Everything in the right. No....
Could anyone help please? The answers are as near as possible to how they sound. All answers are 'someone in charge'. No. 12. Carry out deeds to serve others. No. 17. Propeller part could order you...
Could anyone offer any help with the following please: No. 1. She sounds well endowed. No. 2, What Holy Willie wore. No. 3. I hear they are boys. No. 4. Two teas. (Number of letters are not given)....
Can anyone help me please? I am really stuck on the following and would really appreciate a nudge in the right direction. No. 1. Describes Queen's "Who Wants to Live Forever" (6 letters) No....
Can anyone help please? The clue is : "Len enters marine environment, Ed leaves". There are 6 letters in the answer and the item should be available in a Fishmonger's shop. Would appreciate...
Can someone please help? All answers have to contain MAN as a word or part of a word. I am stuck on the answer to the clue: Skilful display. ( Number of letters are not given). I already have the...
Can anyone help me please with the following clue: Going quickly through the So and So Book. Number of letters are not given, nor is there any particular theme to the quiz. Any help would be...
Could anyone help me please, the answers to the followiing clues are Sports & Games,(Indoors and Outdoors): No. 1. A pot is thrown back. No. 2. No-one gets a look-in if a company has this. Number...
Can anyone help me with these two clues please? Answers will be Sports and Games, (Indoors and Outdoors). No.1 A pot is thrown back No.2. No-one gets a look-in if a company has this Number of letters...
Can anyone help with these please: No. 37. Disturb annoy extract No. 40. Opposite of below. Number of letters are not given. The answers I have so far are all items of clothing as opposed to material....
Can anyone help please? F A by T H. The song title or the artist(s) must have the name of a
Disciple in. Would appreciate any help with this. Thanks....