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The following clues lead to answers which are place names in Britain, and its islands. The answers also contain within them something to be eaten or drunk. Clue No. 1. Ram charges and creates a pit....
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Clue: Sounds like a waiter carrying the small vegetables (10 letters) The answer is a Wine. Could anyone help please? Many thanks....
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Can anyone help please? The clues lead to names on mainland Britain. No. 1. Travel through the village of tall tales. (North East Engand) No. 2. Veal calves know this port well. (Suffolk/Essex area)...
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Has anyone done the "Now for something different" in this mag, just need to know if the answer is Goodman or Hoffman. (no clues to give) Thanks
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Can anyone help please? The clue is: Coffee flavoured from West Indies. (4 letters). The answer is a liqueur. Would be most grateful for any help. thanks....
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American banker leaps to command the air here (8,7) I can't find the significant order to this quiz can anybody help, please....
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The clue for 6a is: Army cook drops the foreign food (4 letters) I have T?c? I want to put Tuck (for food) but I can't work out the clue. Could some kind person please explain? Thanks....
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Can anyone help with this clue please: Clue: Part of a body in a rabbit hole (9 letters). The answer is a capital, city or town - worldwide. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks....
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I'm struggling with the following three questions on The Games Quiz and w onder if some kind soul can help me ? No. 82 . A game based on the Guinness Book of Records. (Record Breakers would be an...
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Can anyone help with this question please? Clue: Hope you are not going to pass on this question (10 letters) There is no theme to this quiz but the answer must contain one batch of the following...
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Can anyone offer any help on the following clues please - The answers are British Towns and Cities and, unfortunately, number of letters are not given: No. 1. Monarch stops horse No. 2. Side of a...
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Can anyone help please with the following clue: Clue: A tide of red ebbing sea. (4.3. letters) The answer is a Wordsmith. Any help would be very much appreciated. Many thanks....
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I seem to be struggling with these clues, can anyone help please? No. 1. Careful to wrap fur around girl (6 letters) No. 2. Don't finish drink after halt. (4.5. letters) No. 3. Exciting event near...
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Each answer contains an animal: Clue: Large rodent set on fire (9 letters) Can anyone help please? Thanks....
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Clue 1d. Rugby team used to be players with no stomach for it (5 letters). I have w?s?s. am I wrong somewhere? Any help appreciated. Thanks....
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creative work (4) _ P _ S thanks for any replys...
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A word starting and ending with the same letter. Clue: Waste material (5 letters). Can anyone help please? Thanks....
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Unless I have gone wrong the letters are I A R L R L S N D TV programme. not many vowels ? Any help much appreciated thanks....
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12a. Skinned small animal, one caught by Edward. (6 letters) The letters I have are: ?l?y?d. Am I wrong somewhere ? Would appreciate any help. Thanks....
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Here I am again, but this time to say a big Thank You to you all for your help. Sorry I've been so long in answering but I have only just come back on line from yesterday. Thanks again - most helpful....

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