I have recently been getting a small box appearing from windows bearing the words "no memory at line 1" press ok and it disappears. I have not noticed any effect on the computer though it has been a...
Hi all I would like to pick up the spanish channel TVE Internacional, I think I will need a satellite dish for this. There is actually a dish installed outside my house, but since it is a building...
but I wonder if anybody can clue me in? in the song "Do you want your old lobby washed down, Con Shine" . what does Con Shine mean, I know it is sung by Brendan Shine, any connection? Its an old Cork...
19 across Someone likely to cause damage or danger - I have ?h?e?? also 20 down spasm of the jaw muscles and sympton of tetanus ??i?m?s Thanks in advance
Still confused about 12a "Once more fills shelving frames, finding space for record" and 9d "Against crossing rivers, usually". I have R_P_C__ and _E___S.
need a push 4d girl pirouettes,producing sparkling display 9,6 first word ends in e probably! 4a fast asleep,but disturbed,so came to 8 awakened? 10a draw out trout,perhaps,but it's on the small side...
help with times 4243 please argument with aussie bouncer in artillery plant a?????o?t criminal severed warrant d?s???e THis clue is from a church quiz and the answer is a flower of the countryside...