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Why do the lights sometimes go out on the Tube?
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Does anyone have a link to a site that tells you the real names of famous people?And how and where they got there new names from,Stars who have obviously changed theirs,and maybe there date and place...
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I heard a song today on Smooth FM that had the tune of Stevie Wonders Superstition in the background. I missed the title of it when it was announced. I think its a new song. Anyone know what its...
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As a human being I find this highly offensive:- "An Iranian paper is holding a contest for cartoons about the Holocaust, to retaliate against the publication of images of the Prophet Muhammad." (BBC)...
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graeme souness manager of glasgow rangers again yes or no
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The Tree
hi everyone.does anyone have any good tommy cooper jokes.i have checked with search engines but a lot of his jokes that are on the net are not actually his but are tom if anyone could tell me...
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Why has the Muslim world taken until now to demonstrate against the Danish cartoons when they were published way back in September last year?
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According to reports their is going to be Another march in london on the 18th feb by muslims in protest of i assume the caricatures of the prophet mohammed Why is their another protest, and more to...
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Did any of you go to school with a person who is now famous? If so, who?

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