//The move comes as rivals Shell and Norwegian company Equinor have also scaled back plans to invest in green energy and US President Donald Trump's "drill baby drill" comments have encouraged... ...
The couple have been running training projects in Afghanistan for 18 years and their daughter, who together with her siblings has written a letter to the Taliban pleading with them to release... ...
Donald Trump is to sign an Executive Order that only he and the Attorney general can say what is legal. How long will the Americans continue to let this sort of thing... ...
How many stay at home experts we have on here, all shouting behind their front doors on what and how the government should be doing this and that. Its KS who's calling the shots, and its KS who's... ...
About increased spending on defence. What some people will do to gain the limelight again. Why didnt he increase defence spending when he had the chance.? To busy buying wallpaper with Carrie and... ...
Is the writing on the wall for the Conservative party as they fall behind Labour and Reform in the latest poll by Techne UK. With senior Tories asking is Badenoch up to the job.?
An old lady has a little win on the lottery and decides to get a tattoo of her favourite singer Elvis on the inside of her thigh. The tattooist goes to work and when he's finished asks the lady to... ...
Mr and Mrs Foreman were arrested in January but news of their detention, on unspecified security charges, emerged last week. Judiciary spokesman Asghar Jahangir said that the couple, both aged 52,... ...
In a TTTocracy you'd only get the vote if you have contributed to society. Use the NI number to look up the total, they can already, if that is greater than zero you can vote. What's wrong with... ...
The couple, named as Craig and Lindsay Foreman, who arein their early 50s, and were on a trip across the world to Australia on motorbikes, were arrested in Iran in January on unspecified security... ...