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Shaky, cranky (of a machine) ?u?d?r?...
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This is my last one thank you in advance.
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cryptic 12d, see resort transformed by flowering standards 4-5 13d, speed of departure 5,4 quick 25a, schemed 9 27a, proclaimed 9...
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70 Across - Intertwining of rope, string etc. (4) ?r?t
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Help please 10a Principles of right and wrong (M ? R ? ? ? T? 3D/ Come down in favour of ( 6. 2. ) S ? T ? ? ? /O ? 6/ Picture of an urban area ( 9 ) C ? N ? S ? A ? E Thank you,...
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Farmers Guardian 25a Splitting off of iceberg bits, dividing into two; cold, not hot (7) If I have got the others right I have c-l-i-g!
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3awhen writing you may wish to make your point with this (6,5) pencil ??r?r 21a Darn I reset the channel (5) d?a?n 5d quiet the debts are holy (5) ??o??...
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Can't seem to finish off today! 7a)P???A (is it PRIMA,,,why?)food finished after starter 13a)K?N???S (KINLESS? why?) people understanding stories are expunged. 1d)????R,,,,MP regarding republican...
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7d terminal in scottish port dropping one a line 6 l-t-a- 6 lethal? 4d down with french? henry is put to shame 5 a-ah abash?
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These showy bloomers add colour to the National Trust winter gardens at Bodnant and Dunham Massey: i - i - e -
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7 down.. aristocrat..?A???S?? 13ac.. document..?O?? 14 down..overused convention..D????????? 22ac..waste pipe..5 letters 5 down...confidence?O??????? Thanks...
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Stuck again.................. 16d Become thin - from what we hear, you dined late(9) A???N???? 27a Savage attack on street outside US city that's disgusting(9) O?S?????? 29a Almost name before time is...
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38d on behalf of old teacher,appeal rejected with greatest force (10) 57a lots run and play boisterously in gateway (5,4) thanks in advbance...
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1 down.. nothing more can be absorbed.. (10&5)..?A?U?A????..?O??? 14 stretch of turbulent water in he sea..???T?D? 19ac..people of high social standing as fawned over by Basil Fawlty...G?N?R? 22ac.....
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Very grateful for any help with these two clues please. 42ac: "Girl that reflects on green lizard. (6)". I have -O-N-A. 49ac: "Single-handed, US Navy specialist joins battle: a star!. (8,4)". I have...
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32a to do something different in day I write a poem (9) d???r?i?y diversify or diversity?
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12a holder has the breaks (6) -h-a-h Is this sheath? I understand the holder bit but what's the breaks mean? 22a he pushes noisy cyclist (6) -e-l-r Any help much appreciated thanks...
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32(D) respectable (6) c?e??? 45(A) wASRMLY AND SNUGLY (6) c????? 46(D) sTOPPING PLACE (7,4) ??A?I?G?O?T...
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25a A colleague from Dublin,say,getting a new head, rather inept (10) 23d After thirty seconds,one fearing for stage entertainer (4-6) thanks in advance...
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Brain games 24 Sept. 2016 Vehicle for one who's late...

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