8a. Fixation; obsessions (6) _ _ _ I _ S.. I put Habits. Couls it be correct? 7d. Inclined towards or displaying love and desire (7) _ _ _ R _ _ _. Amarous would fit, but if Habits is correct for... ...
Just wondering if anybody else here won the €100 Perx Card for the crossword and had difficulty with activating and unlocking it. I have tried many times, phoned their Dublin number, emailed the... ...
When the magazine publishers say to send answers to this Novebmber issue crossword (which went on sale first couple of days in October) by 24th of the month, do they mean 24th October or 24th... ...
34a. A chiropodist might do this when pairing corns. (5,4,4) _ O _ C _ O _ E _ T _ E _
Is it something like 'Force open toes' or something entirely different?...
Aep? Aimadacam? Law? Lezah? Lizarb? Nacep? Ococ? Wehsac? These will all be ok in turn! (4) _ T _ N. I have no idea what they're looking for. Several words fit into this pattern but I don't know which...
62a. Rudolph's little helpers for Santa's little helpers? (5) _ A _ N _.
Could it be Pawns, Fawns, Rains, etc, etc, etc? (assuming placed letters are correct)....
25d. Initially Minister of Information, but was country's president for 24 years - in two hemispheres! (3) M _ I. Is the answer as simple as MOI? I think my given letters are okay. If you can help,...
6d. This clue has, as you see, nine letters, but the real answer has far, far, more than that! (9) M _ I _ S _ _ _ S. The answer could be Mainsails or Mainstays or something else. I really have no...
27a. Notice something while raking through what's left cold in the grate after last night's fire. (7) _ _ S _ E _ N.
Discern, Dasheen, or something else?...
20a. They might have been of interest to Mr Philip Attlee in short - or so it is said. (6) _ T _ M _ S. Could it be Stamps, or maybe Stumps. I know that Atlee (without the double 't') was an MP and...
Brain's VERY fuzzy today! I need help with 5d. Oh dear! It's quite the opposite, actually: the man has the energy of Einstein. (5) S _ E _ P. I think my letters are correct. Could it be 'Sweep'? or...
Each answer is either a food or drink item. 25a. Drink Like the rapper, only minus the W. (6) _ _ E _ E _. 16d. Often found in the corner with fruit in the other corner. (6) _ _ _ U R _. I put Yogurt....