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Stumped by 23d. The clue is: →HITIH← 7 letters ... ?A?L??E ... I think. Many thanks!
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I'm stumped by 23d. The clue is as follows: →HITIH← Please help ? anyone?
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1d: East to conclude why a pantomime could be so described! (6,4) ???L?S PLAY possibly??? Many thanks.
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1d: East to conclude why a pantomime could be so described! (6,4) ???L?S PLAY possibly??? Many thanks.
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18a: Just a song at twilight, like this '70s sundown song: ?I?M?N?O?T???A? Could it be Dimming Of The Day; Figment Of The ?a? or something like that? Thanks in advance.
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21d: Can these instruments ring and can be so rough?: o?o?? Could it be oboes? 24a: It's not on to prop things up near the coast: o??s???e Is it offshore? 27a: avert having to convert a team (4,5):...
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6a: Departed and not before time: ???e 20a: Not just one-sided: ?n???r 7d: And a wall they rebuild to the end (3,3,3): ???the??? Many thanks in anticipation.
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6d: Informal greetings could be hard I say?: H?Y?? 20d: Said to be placed in grass / Said to be: ??P?T?D 12a: Drink of industrious horticulturalist / Curt: ??O?T Stout? 19a: Woman assigning a new...
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Can anybody please help with 4D Over which landlords lounged of yore (?n?s), I think; and 23D Would you give him a breather on his own plane? (a?r?a?), again I think. Many thanks.

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