13a ... after hand to hand combat down Mexico way(4-1-4)????-a-??n? 11a ah, endless peace broken for the brave(6)a???h? 23d a second meaning of such significane(6)??m?n? 6d condemned one at liberty to...
19d any which way in for a witch to transport(8)e?t?a?c? 8a just a sizzle from the banger that goes up in smoke(4,5,)?a??,???i? 24d its the devil you know...(5)?e?s? 5d deadly is their job...
3d. Predetermined to bring death 5 letters -. A - A . - 4d. It wouldn't be cricket for those who row into Oxford or Cambridge 4 letters .- e .- s 9a. One for the road, perhaps , before you decide to...
9A: One for the road perhaps, before you decide to take the car. 1-4-5 a-???s-???a? 22A: Without sparking pre-nuptial agreements, arent they spent forces these days. (5-6) ???c?-a???ts 27A. Sour...
18a what may be said of dutiable goods between post-brexit states wouldnt be cricket(7,8)?o?????,??c????? 16d if this is beyond mans reasoning phone no man about it(10)????o???o? 13a highfalutin tone...
7d tart takes hours we hear to cook(4)?o?r 12a much like most, isnt it my one resolve to make it?(5)?o?e? 24d if a two-part question meansone of two answers: is that not right?(5)?a?s? 19d in, we...
8a. Trump on a shaky alliance (4). ?a??
2d. Catch 22? You did. Like, a policeman on foot (6) ???p?d
24d. Jeer -indeed to start with- for whats going down to be gained (5) ?o?t?...