8a Caught on line -red herring or not -just bag the thing i your good own time ?E?L ?t ?? 15a What's this for a change of hairstyle A?R? 22a You'll need to know the know how to get one up and running...
2d Bring forth then, however unlawful it may sound ???C?T 6d Not rightly cast to set in opposition ?O?????L 19d Irish port-much easier on the tongue for the English D???E?R? 16d With funds allocated...
1a Dublin areas cowardly bower. ?i?d? A?b??r
3D Dublin areas dam valley ??r?d?l?. I think the crossword might be wrong.
Would appreciate any help. Thanks....
a few left please (5 and (5?l???and ?h???firewater as labelled cant be much clearer than this 2 d ?l????bring forth then however unlawful it may sound 22 ac youll need to know the know how to get one...
15d. Where the purchase is completed- and thats final (5,2,4,8) P???t ?f ?a?? terminal 20a. Take a drink from a hip flask (4) S??? 70a. How to make the hostile settle for what are stylish underfoot...
8a must be cold for the irish to wrap a fur around(4)?u?r 15a , four words for an adverb to such an extent?(4,5)I?s?,???a? 27d grab a bear to find the pig in the middle(4)??b? 29a looks like the white...
Just a few left, 17ac “Having the top flat in the Wild West is the same, only different”(4) ?E?? 24ac “Armed with these, two thirds of the white suprecamist crowd will be found in such dives”...
27a it made its punitive mark to learn, on back of being lawful since christ knows when(8)f?????n? 22a frozen with fright, but still rocked(5)???o? 29a what is found among the holiest could be sinful...