Hi all. 3A How can the choir locate one with such sweet creativity. C??C??A?I?R. 8A When it's raining cats and dogs? P?T?A?. 25A The chaap loves to find a penguin. ?E?T?O. Thanks in advance.
Annok7 Thank you both for previous answer. Help needed again please. RTE GUIDE CROSSWORD 27 16 DOWN Blooming brilliant clue: change 50 cents for euro mid-way through! 10 letters ??o???c?n? Thanking...
Sunday World Quick Crossword.
Can anyone tell me what the clues are for 26 and 27 across and 24 down,
the clues are obscured in my newspaper. Thank You....
3d. adventure sport(9)s?y?????d 14d. South Atlantic Islands (9)??a?l?n?s 8d Parrots, S American palms(6)?a?a?s 11a. Weaving and basketry material from palm(6) I had rattan in but not quite sure as 19a...
My crossword today in the Sunday World has two clues missing, 21 down and 23 across. Has this happened to anyone else. The same thing happened a few Sundays ago....