27d: Spoke one part in The Skeleton. (6) _ A _ _ _ S. All I can come up with is 'Landis' who had acted in the movie The Skeleton Key, but Im sure that's not the answer they're looking for. Any ideas?...
Counting the hours in Croke Park! (6,5). _ H _ R _ Y _ H R E _. It looks like the answer must be something like 'Thirty Three', but I don't get it. Croke Park is a Dublin stadium in which gaelic...
#1 vinpaul Registered User Join Date: Dec 2008Posts: 82 Adverts | Friends Phoenix Magazine Xmas 2011 Crossword This time of year again Any help on some missing clues would be very welcome. 30 Dn: Is...
6a: Having no fixed abode and a distraught air, have a drink. (7) _ A _ P _ R _. Is it 'Rapport' or something like that? 11d: Sounds as though some pepper will be followed by a cry of pain, as you are...
1. The most difficult threads to break. (7) H _ R _ E _ T. Is it 'Harvest'? 2. Having fibbed about the cardinal, one looks aged. (5) L _ N _ _. Is it 'Lined'? 3. The three shy characters drink this!...
11d: After opening office, sit up and name company dealing with ups and downs of in-house staff. (4) _ T _ S. 23d: SESU leaves nothing behind. (6) _ S _ S _ P. I think the letters I have are right. If...
1 colourful scam involving car wheels [7] ??i?s?n 2 how noble of him to put Britain in the clutches of the French[4] ?u?e 3 a nervoussign leaving something so theatrical calls for a drink [4] d?a? 4...
23d: Hunk in trouble before bringing up wrongdoing. (6) _ _ _ N _ _. Could it be 'Adonis'? 30a: Are lethal weapons set or scrap of cloth being returned? (8) _ A _ R _ T _ _. Could it be 'Garrotes'?...
I apoligize for not putting all my questions on 1 page. So here are my last 5 questions. Thankyou to the people that have been helpful 1 "The Drain"can be found in a Central American Country...
13a: Will it be organically broken down in oily sediment? (5). L _ I _ _ (I think). 7d: Just imagine what England's leaders face! (8). H _ S _ _ _ G _ . I've put 'Hustings' but I don't think it's...
1d) Proverb that encourages us to tell the truth(7,2,3,4,6) 5d) Proverb that warns us against taking risks(6,4,4,5) 24a) Revokes(8) ???3???? 15a) Apparent(7) ???i??? 14d) Revolt(9) ???????o? Thanks...