5d.One heartless reopens a town in Limerick (5)R?e?s 24a. Lithium? Iron? Whichever has a radioactive property (4,4) H?l? L??e. Assuming my letters are correct. Many thanks
Sunday World Quick Crossword.
Can anyone tell me what the clues are for 26 and 27 across and 24 down,
the clues are obscured in my newspaper. Thank You....
My crossword today in the Sunday World has two clues missing, 21 down and 23 across. Has this happened to anyone else. The same thing happened a few Sundays ago....
Please help. She cannot succeed alone (2-7)
Also Heard man dance m??r??
Finally - one making up for others ill feeling (9) ?i???n?e?
Thank you in advance....
Hi, Stuck on 68/70 DOWN: In 69BC .... behold the delivery of all prophecies (4,3). Letter I currently have are, B-B-/-O-. I thought baby boy or maybe baby cot. Any ideas ??
48a) First get the French to make fabric. (5)
T is from45d Send round a gratuity payment - I have stipend the p and d is right in this (8)
Thank you for your help....
1a Dublin areas cowardly bower. ?i?d? A?b??r
3D Dublin areas dam valley ??r?d?l?. I think the crossword might be wrong.
Would appreciate any help. Thanks....
I dont understand possible answer given by Dannyk14 which gave WADi as a solution. Any explanation would be welcome 53ac “Though it’s a mere matter of course, be in a state when deducted two...