Answers are vaguely seasonal (mostly names) 37. Could he be a dog? (3,6) 50. Does he talk a lot? (11,8) 60.Toxic song? (6,3) 64.Burn this counter (6,6) 72.He wrote for Alice (5,7) 79. Band-aged single...
and talking of prizes won - I have recently won some book tokens with the DT Saturday prize cryptic crossword, as well as book tokens and some reference books in the Observer Everyman crossword. I was...
stuck on 2d.Polish adult leaving an island.(5)A?U?A. 6d. Bill received inside for damage (5) B???K,if the answer is break,please explain why. 11a.Forces,flanks nonexistent still (4) ??E?,is the answer...
stuck on a few this week,would appreciate any help. 1a.Spike,pointed end gone over (5) ??t??. 6a.Mean sort of island in French waters (5)????r. 10a City woman,an impudent young lady at...
Stuck on these: 9a Mistress of a man of rank?(9) 14a Afro-Asiatic language descended from anceint Egyptian? (6) 15a South American Indian people conquered by Spain in the 16th century? (5) 22a...
13A pin securing a temporary outdoor canvas shelter 4-3 5D Traditional saying or proverb Is it tent peg but that doesn't fit with Idiom which I thought was 5D Any help please. Thanks Barbara
stuck on 3 and unsure of some others,can anyone help? 4across-very bad man in style,C?????t,5down-quarters past enpty holds,??ns,Is the answer to 6down,Traditional and if so,why?also 9across,is the...
I find this week's puzzle a stinker-can anyone help with 3down-chap like Neville initially,A??N,6down-Person belonging in court making cheese,???E?????, 7down,Old bread;cut food to stuff,???O????? and...