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Can anyone help me with these clues. Answer can be anything that grows in a garden flowers, weeds, plants etc 1 Demon nut 2 Grammar- girls name 3 Ripe 4 Bird+milk or beer 5 Bent string- not out 6 The...
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please could anyone give me a few pointers: 15. Tuesday May 24th = Tuesday May 24th (5,2,3,3) 17. Pest control for over 50 years (3,9) 18. Sounds like a horse show (4) 27. Personal preference...
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18d One's always up for a sea view (9) 11d Family accommodating a French officer in Rome(7)...
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Help please 1. 9P in the SS. 2. 27 B in the NT. 3. 4 S in a P. 4. 5 S on a TPC>...
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Can anyone please assist with the following baddies - 58, The aliens captured the sixth earthling to form the group (3,10) 61, .... but this one turned up in a suit! (5) 65, Have a dance around and...
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formal relationship, N?L???C?
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54ac Without cover from insurance finally, ask for money back (4) I have N?D?, and it seems to be NUDE, with E being the last letter of insurance, but do not see the fit with the rest of the clue!...
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11a Garb endless austin friars rule out wearing (10, two words) 23d Active mother hampered by a cyst (8) many thanks E...
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44d "Follow blokes heading off with girl" (5) e*s*e - could it be Elsie - but I don't get it! Any help much appreciated Erchie...
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17 across hindu philosophical texts in sanskrit . u?a?i?h?d? and 36 across sunken design on a gem in contrast to a design in relief . i?t?g?i?
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Note- both clues contain a misprint of one letter. 1) Long tripping fairy daughter I'll give aromatically pungent product. (10) pi???????? 2) Hebridean island row for listener? This allows sighs for...
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trying my hand at a new one and done half! Can anyone help me do more?? 12d Pack with no score in even game [4,6] ?E?K / ?U???? Could be deck ..... 8d Attribute of the succesful gear selector [5,5]...
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Just about to post realised had one missing 95d expresses admiration (7) thanx in advance
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7. funeral flower (4,4) 12. canine weed (3,5) 14. this girl can make you high (5) 16. you're well off in here (6) 19. geographical feature (3) 22. without the marsh (6)...
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Contain at least one word referring to the seasons (possibly with a twist) Sleeping during a hot period 11 letters...
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(43d) satisfactory (7,3) t????fy / ?o? thanks for any help
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Donald Duck
15a/ military unit with no time for diet (7) ?e?i?e? 19d/ how a german covers stake (5) ?a?e?
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can anyone please give clues to help with the answers to: 64. At a loose end, a person with an eye for one became an outlaw (3,5) 84. Old Bob departed from Number 10 with a large crocodile! ... (10)...
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cornelia 1
2. Fresh not in spasms 19.. Warm hands at fire 24. Quietly begrudges...
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1. meal taken after church session(6,7) 2. money making implement?(5,5) 3. doll plays snooker(8) 4. pleasure trips taken on this(7) many thanks once again in advance....

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